T.Glozman, A. Narkawicz, I. Kamon, F. Callari, A. Navot
A Vision-based Solution to Estimating Time to Closest Point of Approach for Sense and Avoid.
AIAA SciTech Forum , January 2021
T. Glozman, L. Bruckert, F. Pestilli, D. Yecies, L. Guibas and K. Yeom.
Framework for Shape Analysis of White Matter Bundles.
NeuroImage 2017.
This work presents a novel type of analysis for diffusion MRI data, suggesting new tools based on computational geometry for the examination of the white matter anatomy.
T. Glozman, J. Solomon, F. Pestilli, and L. Guibas.
Shape-Attributes of Brain Structures as Biomarkers for Alzheimer’s Disease.
Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 2016.
Poster presented at ML4HC workshop at NIPS 2016.
T. Glozman, and H. Azhari.
A method for characterization of tissue elastic properties combining ultrasonic computed tomography with elastography.
Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine, 29(3), pp.387-398, 2010

During my MSc I developed an imaging system capable of measuring tissue elasticity - an important parameter in cancer diagnosis. I developed a method for remote elastography and combined it with ultrasonic computed tomography imaging. Read the paper for details.